Доменная печь Archives - Shanghai Metallurgy Equipment Group

Рубрика: Доменная печь

Iron Ore Sintering Plant in operation

Значение спекания железной руды в производстве чугуна

Спекание железной руды — это критически важный процесс, который преобразует низкосортные руды в высококачественное сырье для доменных печей, внося значительный вклад в эффективность и устойчивость сталелитейной промышленности. Вот почему этот процесс имеет важное значение: 1. Превращение низкосортной руды в ценные ресурсы Спекание позволяет преобразовывать обильные низкосортные руды в высококачественные искусственные…

Blast Furnace Process Detection and Field Communication

Process parameters of blast furnace engineering directly influence the safety of  staff and plant operation. The measurement of process parameters mainly can help monitoring all systems running state well. Process control includes top pressure control, soft water closed circulation system expansion tank pressure control, combustion control of hot blast furnace…

Blast Furnace Power Supply and Distribution

Electrical system of blast furnace divides into High-voltage (HV) and Low-Voltage (LV) power supply and distribution,electrical transmission and control, process detection and control, basic automation. High-voltage power supply and distribution facilities The high-voltage power distribution of blast furnace is generally 10kV, and the total power supply of upper level is…

Blast Furnace Water System

Blast furnace water system mainly divides into soft replenishment water, closed-circuit soft water , purified circulating water, straight water, slag treatment water, and blower station purified circulating water system (steam blower station is equipped with desalinated water supply and regeneration waste liquid drainage system), and in addition, the fire-fighting water,…

Blast Furnace Gas System

Gas system of blast furnace mainly includes gas purification, TRT (blast furnace gas (waste heat) turbine power generator) and blast furnace gas discharge tower, etc. Blast furnace gas purification adopts dry bag dust removal, that features high dedusting efficiency, no water consumption, low energy consumption and high automation. After the…

Blast Furnace Materials System

The public and auxiliary facilities of blast furnace ironmaking mainly includes storage and transportation of raw materials and fuel facilities, thermal facilities, gas facilities, water supply and drainage facilities and HVAC facilities. At project preliminary design, the storage and transportation facilities for raw materials and fuel are divided five sectors.…