Global Steel Consumption Forecast 2022/2023

Forecast 2022/2023 Global Steel Consumption and Demand

According to the latest research released by the Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute, it is estimated that China’s steel consumption in 2022 will be 920 million tons, down 3.1% year on year; It is predicted that the demand for steel in 2023 will be 910 million tons, down 1.1% year-on-year.

Referencing the analysis of global and regional economic development and steel demand, it is estimated that the global steel consumption in 2022 will be 1.795 billion tons, down 2.0% year-on-year; It is predicted that the global steel demand in 2023 will be 1.801 billion tons, with a year-on-year growth of 0.4%.

NO. Region Steel Demand (MILLION TONS)
2022 YoY(%) 2023 YoY(%)
1 Asia 1266 -1.9 1273 0.5
2 Europ 196 -3.8 193 -1.4
3 CIS+Ukraine 52 -8.8 50 -6.1
4 North America 142 0.9 143 1.0
5 South America 42 -6.6 42 1.9
6 Africa 39 2.9 41 5.1
7 Middle East 50 2.1 51 2.0
8 Oceania 7 4.5 7 2.9
Total 1794.8 -2.0 1801.1 0.4

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